Taos, New Mexico
August 23-26, 2024
Hosted by Lars King and Tatiana Fontalvo

Restore the LightPower and Truth of Your Authentic Nature

Restore the
LightPower and Truth
of Your Authentic Nature

You are invited to join us in an intimate container that is an answer to a prayer so many of us carry in our hearts.


Reconnect Through
Three Key Remembrances

Remember What Got Stuck

What Got Stuck

Unlock and process deep-seated memories and stuck emotions—those that have been lodged in your body for months, years, or even decades. In our safe and supportive environment, these energies will surface, be processed, released, and transformed, allowing you to reclaim the light of your real self.



Literally "come back into your body" where you have left parts of yourself behind. This reintegration is crucial for experiencing your full presence and power.

Remember Who You Are

Who You Are

Feel secure reconnecting with your true nature as a unique being of love, empowerment, and inspiration.


Transformative Community and Support

The Remembrance Retreat is more than just a retreat; it's an intimate community experience where each participant contributes to the healing of others. Our retreat is designed to offer permanent shifts and upgrades, providing you with life-changing tools and expert facilitation. Here, surrounded by nature and like-minded people, you will reconnect with the REAL YOU who is ready to lead an inspired life.

An Embodied Alchemical Container

We've crafted an alchemical container that nurtures every aspect of your being—mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual. This full-spectrum experience is tailored for those who are ready to experience the organic capacity their soul carries for healing and change.

This retreat is for you if:

  • You seek lasting change and are open to new experiences.
  • You're ready to see and embrace the truth about yourself, no matter how challenging.
  • You’re energized by personal and collective transformation.
  • You've tried multiple things and are now ready for a deeper level of inner work.
  • You seek to address and resolve the root causes of your challenges.
  • You’re ready to be fully seen and accepted for who you truly are.

This retreat might not be for you if:

  • You’re new to personal development and inner work.
  • You’re hesitant about making real change in your life.
  • You’re not ready to let go into deep emotional processes.
  • You’re uncomfortable with witnessing or engaging in emotional expression with others.
  • You’d rather focus on the surface-level symptoms rather than underlying issues.


“I feel free and joyful, and I am much more grounded in my body and heart....”

“This retreat was a life-changing experience for me. It helped me to understand and release the misperceptions and fears that have been holding me back. It reminded me how powerful, sacred, and innocent I truly am. I felt the effects reverberate through my lineage and have seen how my world and the people in it have radically shifted as a result. I feel free and joyful, and I am much more grounded in my body and heart. I’ve tried a lot of different methods, processes, retreats, and programs over the years, and Lars and Tatiana’s facilitation was some of the best I’ve ever experienced. I felt so cared for and held throughout our time together. I learned so much and have been using all of the tools and processes ever since because they are each highly effective, fun, and easy. I can’t wait for my next one!”

Meghan MacDonald

Co-Founder, Conscious Lifestyle Magazine

“I feel totally transformed at the core of my being...”

“The healing that Lars and Tatiana facilitated was some of the most powerful, profound, and effective inner work I have ever experienced. I was able to release some of my deepest trauma that had been hidden away for 30+ years and that I had not been able to access with other modalities. I feel totally transformed at the core of my being and my health and peace of mind have improved leaps and bounds in the span of a few days. I have experienced countless healing modalities over the course of nearly 20 years in the space and what Lars and Tatiana offer in their retreats is truly life-changing”.

Justin Faerman

Co-Founder, Flow Consciousness Institute

“This was the most transformational and powerful form of healing I have ever experienced.”

Hasmig Annoush

Founder, Hasmig Annoush Jewelry

“It was one of - if not the most - powerful release and rebirth experiences in which I have participated, all wrapped in a sacred and loving container.”

Dusty Drake

Energy Worker

The Heart Of Our Retreat

Where the magic of science and love meet for massive transformation

Pointholding is a powerfully transformative approach to releasing trauma, with consistently profound, permanent, and liberating results. This practice involves applying sustained pressure to neurosomatic points on the body, granting access to the limbic system, the emotional command center of the brain. It's here that we can unlock and gently release long-held trauma. You’ll lay comfortably on a massage table while two points at the base of the skull are held. Sessions resolve old traumatic imprints, allowing you to process and permanently release past emotions and negative beliefs at the root. Pointholding offers a unique channel to the wisdom of your body, cultivating a new level of embodied connection with Self that leads to life-altering changes. We have facilitated and experienced our own miracles through this work.

All those present for these sessions, including pointholders, are blessed by the process. Holding these points allows for all involved to plug into the purity of what is occurring. While trauma occurs in the darkness, pointholding sessions occur in the light and hands of a sacred container. The process alone is incredibly powerful; being witnessed and physically held in it is a gift of its own.


A yin-based modality that awakens your lifeforce energy

Lifeforce Energy Awakening Process is a direct transmission of kundalini energy. Unlike other modalities such as breath work or kundalini yoga, LEAP focuses on receiving and you are simply asked to lay down and allow the experience to surprise you. Each participant is given the opportunity to practice surrender and stay curious as their own body leads this expansive and restorative practice that functions beyond the mind into the mystery and beauty of our own lifeforce energy.

Family Constellations + Life Path Constellations

Cosmic interactive games that make uncovering the truth fun

Family Constellations is a fascinating and fun way to discover what’s hidden in your subconscious mind. With this modality, you can not only release family and ancestral burdens, you can also receive personalized wisdom and guidance that is intricately tailored to you. We will facilitate Life Path Constellations, a new style of the work, where you will receive guidance that supports you to discover and commit to the new way of living and the emerging sense of purpose that your life is encouraging you to claim. You’ll walk away clear, confident, and in awe of how accurate this was!

Nervous System Relaxation + Balancing Techniques

Tools that bring you all the way home to true integration

These techniques, which include both individual and partner exercises, come directly from experts in nervous system and vagus nerve research, such as Peter Levine, Stanley Rosenberg, and Judith Johnson. Wherever you’re at, they will bring you into a parasympathetic "rest and digest" state. Combined with the profound work we’re doing at the retreat, these techniques greatly support the integration and embodiment process. This practice balances energy and creates a lasting sense of peace and calm throughout the entire body. We will teach you these techniques so you can use them whenever you desire.

Transformational Integration Coaching

1:1 customized support that meets you right where you are

During the second half of the retreat, we will be offering you a 1:1 session with either Lars or Tatiana, where you will receive the tailored, unique support you require to fully land in your new self and reality.

Integration Call

Reconnect and receive the support you require to bring the retreat fully home with you

A week after our retreat, join us for a lively group integration call! This is your chance to reconnect, share your experiences post-retreat, and connect the transformation from the retreat with your fresh, new life. We’ll facilitate supportive, fun, and meaningful conversations to help you integrate everything you’ve learned and keep the positive momentum going 🚀

Lars King

Lars is a transformational facilitator who specializes in exploring and transforming the subconscious, to embody our most authentic selves. He loves helping people find the magic and truth within themselves and holds sacred space for people to encounter and embrace all aspects of themselves. He intuitively senses what wants to emerge at any given moment. With his multiple modalities and caring spirit he supports people to go exactly where they need to go in themselves so they can recommit to their most aligned path in life.

Learn more about Lars’s work here www.larsking.com

Tatiana Fontalvo

Tatiana is an initiated Magdalene Rose High Priestess, intuitive advisor and energy alchemist as well as a thoroughly trained facilitator in the ways of emotional intelligence and consciousness law. While Tatiana has diligently studied several modalities including pointholding and LEAP for the past 5 years, her core philosophy is of naturalness and sovereign empowerment. She is a guide for her clients’ organic unfoldment and trusts that the greatest transformation occurs as we allow it.

Learn more about Tatiana’s work here www.tatianafontalvo.com

Our Story with Pointholding

Lars and Tatiana are facilitators of transformation, and partners in love...

We met at the beginning of college 12 years ago, and have been on a journey of intimacy, facilitation and healing ever since. We have traveled all around the world finding the modalities that resonate the most and achieve consistent, life changing results.

We have been offering pointholding retreats since 2021 and each time they improve. We love this work because it has completely revolutionized our lives. Lars used to be disembodied and disconnected from his heart, and pointholding helped him come back to his body, love and true self. Tatiana used to be shut down and divorced from her real emotions and sense of herself; now she is in her body and able to connect more deeply with herself and others.

We have taken ourselves through everything we are offering here to you, and it is the absolute best we can give. We would love to invite you into our intimate space of rebirth and remembrance; you will never be the same!


Hyperslow Retreat Center

at the historic San Geronimo Lodge,
Taos, New Mexico


Choose from luxurious private and shared rooms. All rooms come with with organic bedding, private bathrooms, and balcony access.


Full access to sauna, pool, hot tub, library, tea room, mountain views, labyrinth, trails, and fire pits.



Enjoy organic and locally-sourced meals designed to nourish and support your transformation. Dietary needs are carefully accommodated.

Meal Schedule:

Friday: Welcome Dinner
Saturday: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Sunday: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Monday: Closing Breakfast

Organic teas + snacks will also be provided.

Stay Options

Each room comes with organic bedding, a private bathroom and balcony access

King Bed in Private Room (2 spots available)

Queen Bed in Private Room (2 spots available)

Full Bed in Shared Double Room (4 spots available)

Rooms are first come first serve


Extend Your Experience

On our final day together, Monday the 26th, you have an opportunity to extend your experience and join us at Ojo Caliente Mineral Springs Resort + Spa. You can purchase a Day Pass and soak anytime between 10am-10pm, book a spa treatment and or stay the night in one of Ojo’s luxurious rooms. Ojo Caliente is a serene oasis and guaranteed to be the cherry on top to your integration if you so choose it. Day passes are purchased the day of, no reservation required.

Extra bookings are here for your convenience:

BOOK Spa Treatments

BOOK Private Soaking (great for couples)

STAY THE NIGHT at Ojo Caliente Resort


Book a call with Lars or Tatiana to reserve your spot!

Because there are only 8 spots available for this intimate experience, we encourage you to book a call with us sooner rather than later to secure your spot. We’re happy to answer any questions as well!

Or contact us via email at larsandtatiana@gmail.com


“I was able to...feel more love, acceptance, and peace...”

“Lars and Tatiana provide a safe and beautiful container for deep transformation. With their unique blend of somatic and intuitive modalities, I was able to access and release deeply imprinted emotions and feel more love, acceptance, and peace at the end of the retreat.”

Jackie Knetchel

Co-Founder, Flow Consciousness Institute

“EVERYONE needs to experience pointholding!!!”

“My pointholding experience was unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. The loving, gentle space that was created in the room and throughout the entire retreat was amazing. I touched my true feelings deeper than I ever have before. It is the blast I needed to reconnect me to my innocence and enable me to live a life of true freedom and power in a very real way. EVERYONE needs to experience pointholding!!! It is life-changing.”

Lori Vazquez

Registered Nurse, Texas Home Health Hospice

“The biggest gift I received...”

“The biggest gift I received from this retreat was getting intimately in touch with my feeling world as an integrated aspect of my daily awareness. I had previously done powerful pieces of work that would touch into memories or stored emotion, but this retreat gave me an entire context to “stay” with my feeling world and work emotional material real-time.”

Holly Odneal

Spiritual Psychologist